#Industry News
PELI Products continues its expansion with more Manufacturing in Europe
The US Manufacturer that has been producing in Germany since 2007 is Now enlarging its European Manufacturing with new product ranges
PELI Products, the global leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance protective cases and advanced lighting systems, is expanding its European manufacturing operations. After 13 years, and despite the recent 2020 crisis, PELI is still pursuing their plans to incorporate additional models into its European manufactured Case ranges.
The US company started its European production through a partnership with a German manufacturer back in 2007. Since then, the company has been producing locally an increasingly large portion of its injection-moulded PELI Protector Case range of models. In 2011 PELI further expanded its European production with the addition of its rotomoulded Cases range, also known as Peli-Hardigg Cases. Now in 2020 PELI has decided to continue that expansion with the manufacturing of its well known PELI Storm Case range, starting with the most popular model in Europe, the iM2500 Case.
“For a number of years, both ranges of injection moulded and roto moulded Cases have been manufactured in Germany which helped us covering most of our European demand with ‘made in Europe’ PELI Cases. Along those years, that has meant important investments in production moulds and enlarge facilities at our Manufacturing Partner, plus hiring the necessary workforce within that German area. We are proud to say this has been part of Peli’s commitment to invest in local capabilities that give us a competitive advantage and, as a by-product, help to bolster the European Economy” says Piero Marigo, Managing Director of Peli Products and he continues “By virtue of this continued investment in our European manufacturing, we are able to provide our customers with better service, more flexibility and shorter delivery times. It is a Win-Win-Win opportunity for our customers, the broader economy and Peli that we spotted a few years ago and, without a doubt, it has been one of the best strategic decisions we have ever made”
PELI Protector cases includes today more than 90 different case models available in 7 different colours. Thanks to this large selection plus the different interiors such as Pick N Pluck™ Foam, Padded Dividers or the innovative TrekPak™ Divider System, these protective cases are the most popular ones and have been tested in the most extreme conditions by users of various industries such as Military/Government, Law Enforcement, Industrial/Petroleum, Aviation/Aerospace, Fire Safety/EMS, Scientific or Outdoor etc.
Moreover, all PELI Protector Cases are backed by PELI legendary Lifetime Guarantee of Excellence (where applicable by law). For more information, please visit: peli.com