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#Product Trends


An industrial certified weighing instrument that performs 1600 weighing actions per second,


An industrial certified weighing instrument that performs 1600 weighing actions per second, thereby determining the exact weight extremely quickly, and can handle four plug-and-play applications; the 1020 Indicator/controller by Penko Engineering can do this. The 1020 ensures the control of fill applications, checks weighing (weight control), conveyor belt weighing and strength weighing. Moreover, interfaces make communication possible through the main industrial protocols. Additionally, a clear display simplifies the operation.


In industrial applications, the measurement speed is a co-determining factor for precise dosing, checking and filling of products. The faster the measurement result is known, the more precise the given measurement value is too. We are talking about 1600 weightings per second, a rate that is well above the average of existing weighing solutions in the case of the 1020 Indicator/controller. An important effect of this high speed is not only that the exact measurement value is available earlier. The filling system can then also be controlled earlier. If the measurement value is known earlier, a valve will also switch off earlier. The desired output therefore takes place earlier. The beneficial consequence of this is also that the deviation from the ideal fill weight is smaller. Each user of a filling plant will immediately realise the benefit: this allows precise dosing. Instead of keeping a safety margin of a few grams above the minimum, the user can reduce his/her margin to a lower level. And in the long run a lower margin means a huge saving on a filled product. Especially when it regards products with a high unit price of products that are produced in large numbers. In industrial environments, those savings soon mean very large amounts. Thanks to this effect from the 1020 Indicator, the discussion about the required payback period is usually decided quickly. For the strength measurement a high measurement speed is also a benefit, the load with a break and the stretch with a break are determined by this.


In addition to non-automatic weighing, the 1020 can also be used as a controller for process automation. This is done in combination with software supplied by PENKO in various ways. For example, as a 1020 Indicator MFL, for the filling of packaging. Another version is the CHK 1020, checkweighers, for checking weights. The third version, 1020 BLT, for belt weigher/conveyor belt weighers, is used for continuously totalising weighing on conveyor belts. The fourth version is the 1020 Indicator FMD, force measuring/strength measuring. This is used for performing destructive and non-destructive material testing. The 1020 is ready for process automation with these four versions. Apart from the 1020 FMD, the 1020 types have a very user-friendly G-Cal, geographical calibration. This calibration solution by PENKO ensures rapid calibration anywhere in the world; without having to use weights. The necessary software is supplied by PENKO and works immediately after connecting the instrument; so plug-and-play. Another important condition for a successful process automation is communication, both with a controller and with a higher located IT system. The 1020 is equipped with a USB and Ethernet port as standard. In addition, the user can choose from various networks and field buses: RS232/RS422, CAN bus and PROFIBUS. This means the 1020 can be used in virtually any industrial process automation. To

meet quality requirements PENKO was recently audited on all the aspects that are important to ISO9001-2008. The result of the audit was entirely positive so that another audit was not necessary.


The PENKO 1020 comes with a CE certificate and is UL (listed). Furthermore, the instrument is certified in accordance with three OIML recommendations.

· For non-automatic weighing applications (R76) this certificate is DK0199-R76-14.01.

· For automatic weighing checks (R51) the PENKO 1020 is certified with DK0199-R51-14.02.

· For filling by weight (R61) the PENKO 1020 is certified with DK0199-R61-14.03.

For more information: Henk Smit, Sales manager.


  • Schutterweg 35, 6718 XC Ede, Netherlands
  • PENKO Engineering B.V.
