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#Product Trends

TM StepDrive 24-48V/5A for SIMATIC ET 200SP

Phytron is about to introduce the next generation of its high-precision PLC stepper motor module.

7 years after the launch of the successful predecessor module 1-STEP-DRIVE for the SIMATIC® ET200S®, the sales of the TM StepDrive 24-48V/5A for the next generation controller SIMATIC®ET 200SP® will start soon.

The TM StepDrive 24-48V/5A module is, like its predecessor, a high precision stepper motor controller with an integrated 5A (peak) power stage for 2-phase stepper motors. It successfully completed all system compliance tests of Siemens.

This versatile controller is capable of different operating modes such as relative positioning, absolute positioning, homing or continuous speed mode. The module is configured via mouse click in STEP®7 or TIA Portal, for which Phytron provides all the required configuration files.

In a nutshell, the TM StepDrive 24-48V/5A module supplements the SIMATIC® ET 200®SP in the field of high-precision stepper motor applications for machine builders, production- and scientific plants or building automation.

SIMATIC®, ET 200®, STEP®7 and TIA Portal® are registered trademarks of the SIEMENS AG.


  • August-Rasch-Straße 11, 82216 Maisach, Germany
  • Phytron GmbH