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#Product Trends

Specialized system – Piezo Micrometer Screw Drive MICI

These elements were originally developed for quality control applications in the optics industry. They consist of a piezoelectric actuator in combination with a micrometer screw drive. The user can first adjust the coarse position of the actuator with a micrometer screw, and then fine tune it with the piezo stage itself. This improves the accuracy and reproducibility of the linear stage significantly.

Long travels up to tens of mm, depending on the used micrometer screw and sub-nm resolution can be reached while simultaneously moving high loads up to 20 kg with the MICI 80. This is due to its very robust construction.

So these piezo stages are perfectly suited for high precision adjustment of linear positioners. Based on its sophisticated solid state flexure hinge technology the MICI series offers motion without mechanical play. Also these stages can be driven at high frequencies.

The MICI fits in applications like improvement of resolution of linear stages, quality control, automation, fine adjustment of optical components and micro-assembly. You have a choice of 4 models compatible with the micrometer drives of Mitutoyo, Newport or Qioptic.


  • Piezosystem Jena
