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#Industry News

Impresive insulated warehouse complex with a pumped roof

Pol-Plan has build one of the largest temporary warehouses in Europe (44 (36) x105x4.5 m).

Insulated lightweight hall based on rigid aluminium profiles with a pumped roof is the most advanced version of temporary structures produced by Pol-Plan. The last project, an impresive insulated warehouse complex with loading docks is one of the largest temporary warehouses in Europe (44 (36) x105x4.5 m).

The customer, a Polish furniture manufacturer had the opportunity to compare experience in using a traditionally constructed hall and a smaller insulated hall with a Pol-Plan pumped roof. The decision to choose a lightweight hall as a furniture warehouse results from an analysis of the functionality of both solutions. An insulated lightweight hall with a pumped roof ensures comparable functionality to a traditionally built hall. In contrast, the costs and delivery time are extremely attractive.


  • 62-060 Stęszew, Poland
  • pol-plan