#Trade Shows & Events
Join Us for an Exclusive Online Presentation: 25.09.2023 Time: 10am Location: Online
Calling All Industry Enthusiasts!
We are thrilled to extend a special invitation to all of you for an upcoming online presentation featuring our team of esteemed experts. This promises to be an enlightening and interactive session that you won't want to miss!
Date: 25.09.2023 Time: 10am Location: Online
Here's a sneak peek at what our experts will cover:
ClearViewdb for H2O2 & H2O Measurements by Hans Buytaert
Dive into the world of precise measurements for H2O2 and H2O with Hans as he shares the latest advancements in ClearViewdb technology.
H2 Purity Measurement for Fuel Cells and Semiconductor Industry by Johan Reynaert
Johan will explore the crucial role of H2 purity measurement in fuel cells and the semiconductor industry, shedding light on key insights and applications.
Moisture Solution by Hamid Slimane
Discover innovative moisture solutions with Hamid and learn how they can address critical challenges in various industries.
Hazardous Substances in the Environment. The Importance of Water Analytics by Dr. rer. nat. Vitali Scherbahn
Dr. rer. nat. Scherbahn will provide valuable insights into the significance of water analytics in monitoring hazardous substances in the environment.
Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to these topics, our experts will provide valuable insights that can benefit everyone.
Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and network with fellow industry professionals. Feel free to invite colleagues who might find this event valuable too.
Let's come together for an engaging and informative session! We look forward to seeing you there.
Click on the link to join us https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MzA2NWJiN2MtNzk3OS00OGZhLTk0MDYtZGNlMTI3MDBjOTE1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22f39274e7-1232-4bf6-a000-b0c0a7b8aae2%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22aa97f862-a67f-4bca-b7e6-0c9a411ef4f5%22%7d
or go to our Linkedin page: https://www.linkedin.com/events/processinsightsexclusiveonlinep7111018568552472576/about/