#Product Trends
Loop-Powered Control Unit
The new SHD 200 control unit from Krohne provides two solid-state relays for process control.
These relays provide capabilities such as a status output, which occurs according to NE 107 signalization of the sensor, and a limit switch for which any HART dynamic variable is addressable. Additionally, it provides a second 4-20mA current output for any HART device available. It also features a loop-powered display that works with all HART values with different measuring pages, and LEDs for Namur NE 107 signalization. For commissioning of Optibar and Optiwave transmitters, the SHD 200 allows for direct adjustment of parameters via the control unit. The SHD 200 makes available both internal access to the field device and external access via a HART adapter. The device enables access to all sensor specific functions with FDT/DTM. It is also suitable for operation in Ex Zone 1 with aluminum housing.