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#Product Trends

3D LiDAR Sensor Elevates UAV Mapping

Cepton Technologies’ SORA 200 lightweight 3D LiDAR sensor is said to deliver long-range, high-resolution and low-cost mapping capabilities to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Cepton is partnering with LiDAR USA to bring SORA 200 to market.

SORA 200 allows for highly efficient 3D map data production at increased altitudes and velocities in various environments. With 200-meter range and a weight of 550g, it is the lightest high-performance UAV LiDAR on the market today.

Cepton’s micro-motion LiDAR technology also removes the spinning parts common in traditional LiDAR units, resulting in smaller and more reliable sensors that do not compromise resolution or range. Use of off-the-shelf materials reduces delivery wait time and overall cost.

SORA 200 features include:

Lightweight: At 550 grams, the SORA 200 can be deployed in situations where payload weight matters. Its light weight means that UAVs enabled with SORA 200 can fly for longer trips.

Long-range: With its scanning range extending up to 200 meters, the SORA 200 allows UAVs to fly at higher altitudes and cover more ground.

High-frame rate: With a 200-hertz frame rate, UAVs equipped with the SORA 200 can operate faster while maintaining high-density map data acquisition.


  • 11 Rue Lincoln, 75008 Paris, France
  • Cepton Technologies
