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#Product Trends

Sensor Platform Accelerates IoT Development

TDK’s SmartMotion Platform consists of four unique development kits that enable rapid evaluation and development of InvenSense MEMS sensor-based solutions.

Built on a single board design, the platform enables fast system prototyping and parallel software development, resulting in faster deployment of end products to market. The SmartMotion platform is designed around Microchip’s G55MCU with built-in 512KB of Flash Memory and incorporates InvenSense’s market leading 6-axis, 7-axis, or 9-axis motion sensor solutions.

Developers can evaluate and incorporate sensor functions like orientation, activity tracking, and gestures to develop state-of-the-art applications. The platform integrates an on-board Embedded Debugger so external tools are not required to program or debug the G55 MCU, saving customers the cost of an external JTAG debugger.

SmartMotion Development kits include:

DK-20602 - Development platform for InvenSense ICM-20602, a high performance 6-axis motion sensor that combines a 3-axis gyroscope and 3-axis accelerometer.

DK-20648 - Development platform for InvenSense ICM-20648, a high performance 6-axis motion sensor that combines a 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer, and Digital Motion Processor (DMPTM).

DK-20789 - Development platform for InvenSense ICM-20789, a high performance 7-axis motion sensor combining a 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer, and a high accuracy pressure sensor.

DK-20948 - Development platform for InvenSense ICM-20948, a high performance 9-axis motion sensor that combines a 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis compass, and a Digital Motion Processor (DMPTM).

Each development kit includes InvenSense MotionLink, a GUI based development tool and embedded Motion Drivers (eMD) for InvenSense sensors. The MotionLink can be used to capture and visualize sensor data from the motion sensor. Sensor Fusion is supported in the eMD, consisting of a set of APIs to configure various aspects of the platform including sensor parameters such as full-scale range (FSR), output data rate (ODR), low-power or low-noise mode, and sensor interface to host (I2C and SPI).

SmartMotion platforms can be purchased for $99 each.


  • Lot 378, Nilai Industrial Estate, Nilai, 71800, Negeri Sembilan, Kawasan Perindustrian Nilai, 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
  • TDK
