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#Product Trends

Wearable Sensors Keep NYC Jobsite Connected

Triax Technologies reports that Lettire Construction Corp. is the first New York City contractor to implement its Spot-r system at its jobsite. By using 140 Spot-r wearable sensors to connect workers and management onsite, Lettire is able to achieve total digital worksite visibility, improve communication and safety, and reduce time spent tracking down people and information.

Spot-r also helps Lettire adhere to city jobsite compliance regulations; streamlines evacuation procedures; and enables proactive risk management.

The Spot-r system operates on a closed mesh network that cuts through steel and concrete and automatically clocks workers on the jobsite. It includes low-footprint network hardware that is installed and maintained by Triax technicians; and wearable Spot-r Clip sensors that fasten to workers' belts. This wearable device identifies slip, trip and fall incidents in real-time to improve response time and allows workers to send and receive safety alerts without leaving their work areas. By keeping management informed through a cloud-based dashboard, this technology creates a connected jobsite and facilitates a proactive safety culture that empowers everyone involved.


  • 20 Marshall St, Norwalk, CT 06854, USA
  • Triax Technologies.