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#White Papers

5 Steps Guide to Controlling Noise at Work

Don't put your employees hearing at risk

Noise-Induced hearing loss is one of the most prevalent, but often ignored, risks in the workplace and employees must, by Law, be protected. In 2003, Directive 2003/10/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks

arising from physical agents (noise) was adopted. Looking after employees' hearing remains one safety issues on the agenda especially as we operate in an increasing 'claim culture'. Employers need to safeguard the hearing of their employees and their business from expensive civil claims and prevention is key. Noise at Work measurement product experts, Pulsar Instruments Plc have produced a simple guide for employers with basic guidance on noise control but also on their legal duties as employers as far as noise levels in the workplace are concerned. A FREE copy is available to download via the URL provided in this article.


  • Filey, UK
  • Pascale O'Rourke