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#Industry News

Chinese New Year Greetings 2023!

News Update

We at faytech and Pyramid would like to wish everyone celebrating the holidays a Happy Chinese New Year and successful year of the Rabbit! We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the continuous trust and support.

Our factories in China will also celebrate the festival and will be closed this year from January 18 – January 28, with limited staffing the few days before and after these dates. After the holidays we will be back to provide full support. We apologize if this causes any inconvenience for you. You can still reach us at all other locations worldwide as usual during this time.

We are excited for the year ahead and will continue providing you with innovations and high-quality products and services. Expect many more interesting updates in the year of the Rabbit!


  • Bischhäuser Aue 10, 37213 Witzenhausen, Germany
  • faytech AG