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#Industry News

German delegation visits faytech in Shenzhen!

News update

On 16.07.2024, members of the Sino-German Parliamentary Group and the German Consulate General in Canton (Guangzhou) visited the APAC headquarters of faytech in Shenzhen. It was a special honor for Arne Weber, the managing founder of faytech, to welcome the numerous delegates as host and to introduce the company to them. This was followed by a tour of the premises.

Our special thanks go to Dr. Hans-Peter Friedrich, Chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group and head of the delegation. We would also like to thank the following members of the German Bundestag for their visit, their questions and stimulating discussions: Mrs. Dagmar Schmidt from the SPD, Mr. Boris Mijatovic from Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Mr. Daniel Föst from the FDP, Mr. Peter Felser from the AfD and Mr. Franco Liccione.

Last but not least, we would like to thank Mr. Jan Rudolph, the German Consul General of the Canton region, and Mrs. Jana Ludwig, the Deputy Consul, for organizing the visit and for their active support.

We are very pleased that the delegation recognized faytech as a hidden champion at the end of the visit. It fills us with pride that we were able to make such a lasting impression on the visitors with our achievements in the field of optical bonding, self-service technology (intelligent shopping carts and kiosk systems) and modular industrial solutions.

German delegation visits faytech in Shenzhen!


  • Bötzinger Str. 60, 79111 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
  • faytech