#Product Trends
Qimarox opens new test and demonstration centre in Harderwijk
Qimarox has always already offered the opportunity to test, but these capabilities are greatly enhanced now the premises at the Nobelstraat in Harderwijk has been converted and expanded. The test and demonstration centre will soon contain a fully operational Prorunner mk9, the successful machine that is not only being used as a vertical transport system, but also as a vertical sorting system across the globe. Furthermore, all manner of systems for the infeed and outfeed of products are available for testing, so companies can test what is the most appropriate configuration using their own products.
Palletising tests
In addition to the Prorunner mk9, starting next autumn, the other product elevators of Qimarox will also be on display. A new, further developed palletising system will also be available for testing the possibilities of palletising and stacking different products according to certain patterns. New and potential customers can see for themselves how accurately their products are positioned on the patented pattern-formation conveyor of this machine and that this machine can handle more stacking patterns than any other palletiser.
Remote testing
Because Qimarox''s components are installed and integrated all over the world, of course not every customer will have the opportunity of travelling to Harderwijk. In that case, the test can be captured on video, so that they can see the result anyway. Another option is to watch via the webcam that has been installed in the test and demonstration centre.
Training and education
The renovation of the property followed after the division of Qimarox and Nedpack late last year. Apart from an extensive test and demonstration centre, Qimarox will soon also be provided with a modern education and training space. Certified system partners will periodically be trained to install and integrate Qimarox components here, while customers can follow training in the use and maintenance of the systems. Anyone who is interested in visiting the test and demonstration centre can make an appointment without any further obligations.