#Industry News
World' smallest Radio Modules
RF modules miniaturized
With the latest RCRX-868 project (868MHz super heterodyne receiver module), RadioControlli fulfills the range of miniaturized radio modules 433/868/915MHz (world's smallest RF modules), designed to be mounted using SMT technology.
Aforementioned range includes :
1) ASK Superhet receiver module 2) ASK Transmitter module crystal control
Frequency: 433.92 / 868.35 / 915MHz (*) Frequency: 433.92 / 868.35 / 915MHz (*)
Versions: 5Volt e 3Volt Versions: 5Volt e 3Volt
Dimensions: 9.5 x 14mm Dimensions: 6.8 x 12mm
(*) Transmitters and receivers with custom frequencies can be produced on request.
• Radio Module lower cost
• Radio Module smaller footprint
• Assembly process lower cost
• Low resistance and inductance to pins
For more informations: sales@radiocontrolli.com
This range of products together with further innovations will be presented at Electronica 2016 in Munich, we kindly invite you to visit our stand in Monaco from November 8 to 11.