#Product Trends
Raptor launches the NINOX 640, a cooled VIS-SWIR InGaAs camera
Using a 640 x 512 InGaAs sensor from SCD, the NINOX 640 offers visible extension from 0.4µm to 1.7µm to enable high sensitivity imaging. The 15µm x 15µm pixel pitch enables highest resolution imaging. Available with a 14 bit CameraLink output, the NINOX 640 will run from 10 to 120Hz enabling high speed digital video. A new feature On-board Automated Gain Control (AGC) will enable clear video in all light conditions. The NINOX 640 also features an on-board intelligent 3 point Non Uniform Correction (NUC) algorithm which will provide the highest quality images.
Raptor VP of Sales & Marketing Mark Donaghy comments “The Ninox is a genus of the Owl family. We saw the opportunity to build on the huge success of our OWL family of cameras by offering a cooled version using the 640 x 512 sensor from SCD, which will appeal to the scientific community. We are seeing significant reductions in dark current and read out noise with this camera”.
“We see a range of applications that can be used with the NINOX 640 including hyperspectral imaging, semiconductor inspection, solar cell inspection, astronomy, telecommunications and thermography,” he continued.
Raptor also offers other VIS-SWIR and SWIR cameras including the OWL 320 and 640, in both SWIR and VIS-SWIR as well as a High Speed version (up to 350Hz). All come with powerful Image Analysis Software (XCAP) and a standard CameraLink frame grabber card.