#Industry News
Stainless Steel Floor Scrubbers for the Food Industry
In the food industry, steel is the most commonly used and demanded material for manufacturing machines and equipment used in the production and packaging departments of food products.
On RCM stainless steel floor scrubbers, all the metal parts that are susceptible to corrosion in other floor scrubbers have been made using stainless steel to ensure proper functioning and long-term durability, safeguarding the investment and ensuring optimal robustness over time, even when in contact with highly aggressive chemical agents.
RCM is able to offer three models of professional stainless steel floor scrubbers, suitable for cleaning in all food sectors and other areas where the HACCP system requires specific standards, or in departments where corrosive agents such as chlorine are used.
Stainless Steel Floor Scrubber designed to withstand any challenge.
Stainless steel is an alloy composed of metals that affect the structural, mechanical, and corrosion characteristics of steel, depending on their quantity.
For this reason, stainless steel is resistant to the effects of moisture, salinity, or chemical agents, and has been widely successful in various industrial sectors, such as the petrochemical industry, mining sector, energy sector, as well as the food sector. It has found extensive use in the food sector, particularly in production areas where moisture or the use of salt can corrode work tools and damage them (meat processing, dairy industry for the production of dairy products and cheeses, etc.).
RCM manufactures stainless steel floor scrubbers specifically designed to meet these specific needs:
MEGA I INOX and MEGA II INOX walk behind
GIGA INOX ride on.
In these floor scrubbers, all parts that come into contact with aggressive agents are made of thick stainless steel capable of withstanding the presence of salt, moisture, as well as the use of aggressive chemical detergents used for thorough cleaning.