#Product Trends
RCM - Cleaning a swimming pool: do you know how to do it?
Bathtub, lockers and hygienic showers floors, all in one move. Say goodbye and good riddance to bacteria, viruses and parasites.
Swimming pools and poolside floors, lockers and toilets, as well as emergency rooms or immunosuppressed chambers, all the way to schools and elderly residences. Sanitization makes all these places safe by reducing or almost completely eliminating bacteria, viruses and parasites.
An effective, powerful and even economical disinfectant is ozone. It is optimal for ensuring sanitization in food, civil, healthcare and sports environments. This is the ECO3 SANITIZING system by RCM on MEGA II scrubbers.
When cleaning poolside pools, chlorine-based treatment releases an unpleasant smell in the air and taste in waters. Precisely for this reason, ozone represents a valid alternative, as it allows to sanitize without any smell and flavor. Additionally, the use of ozone also has a high level of antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activity. Its use can also drastically reduce traces of spores and cysts, helminths, algae protozoa, parasites, phenols, detergent pesticides, solvents, traces of PCBs, hydrocarbons and even unpleasant organic molecules, with their smell and taste.
Ozone therefore perfectly treats not only poolside areas, but also the entire system, from lockers to showers, in total safety for employees and also protecting the environment, as it avoids the dispersion of polluting and dangerous substances.