#Industry News
How to Effectively Improve the Production Efficiency of Dredgers?
Cutter Suction Dredger
As we all know, the type of dredger, soil conditions, weather, hydrology, and vessel navigation all have an impact on production efficiency, and these factors mentioned earlier are considered uncontrollable variables. In fact, apart from the factors mentioned above, the level of production efficiency largely depends on the skill and proficiency of the operators.
The proficiency of the operators in operating the dredger is reflected in several aspects, including the trajectory, forward and lateral displacement of the cutter, cutter rotation speed, control of dredging width and depth, and adjustment of the mud pump's operating conditions.
To effectively improve the production efficiency of dredgers, attention should be given to the following points during the operation:
1. Maintaining an appropriate and balanced mud concentration:
The mud concentration is a key factor in improving production efficiency, so it is necessary to control the concentration within an appropriate and balanced range.
2. Keeping the dredger in good operational condition:
This requires performing regular maintenance and upkeep of the equipment during daily operations.
3. Increasing the duration of effective work:
Dredging work should be done quickly, accurately, and with successful results on the first attempt.
In summary, minimizing the time spent on auxiliary work, increasing the duration of effective dredging operations, and controlling the mud concentration are the key factors to improve the production efficiency of cutter suction dredgers during the construction process.