#Product Trends
Tong Torque and Tong Line Pull Indication Systems
RIGCHINA Group’s Tong Line Pull and Tong Torque Systems are designed to give accurate readings for makeup and breakout torque to reduce drill collar and tool joint failure.
The systems indicate the torque applied to drill pipe, drill collars, tubing, and casing while joints are made. This is important for reducing drill collar and tool joint failure resulting from improper make-up. Each tong system consists of a hydraulic load cell, shackles (on tension type models), hose assembly, 6" liquid filled gauge with damper assembly, bracket to mount gauge (except on panel mount versions), and recharge kit consisting of hand pump, and (1) qt. of instrument fluid. Both types of Tong Systems are available in English, Metric, or dual scale capacities up to 30,000 pounds straight line pull. There are two types of systems available:
Universal Tong Line Pull Series (Part No. CTT-101):
Indicates make-up or break-out torque in pounds of line pull for tool joints, drill collars, and drill string components. This is useful in applications where the user wants to use the system with different length tong handles. To obtain the foot pounds equal to the pounds reading on the indicator the operator simply multiplies the pounds reading of the indicator by the tong handle length (in feet) that he is using, and this will give him the foot pounds equivalent.
Tong Torque (Joint Torque) Series (Part No. CTT-101):
Indicates torque in foot pounds applied to each joint when using power tongs to run pipe or casing. These systems are available for specific makes and models of power tongs and come with either compression or tension type load cells.
Adjustable target pointer can be set to the desired capacity so the driller can work to a clear mark
Models and capacities available to work with wide range of manual and power tongs
Available in wide range of capacities and in English, Metric, or dual scale capacities
Models available for temporary or permanent installation
Load cells available in either tension or compression type
Durable, rugged design
To order specify:
• Capacity and scale needed (English or Metric)
• Handle length or tong to be used with (Tong Torque Systems only)
• Panel or box mount indicator
• Tension or compression type load cell (Tong Torque Systems only)
• Hose length needed (if different than standard)