#Product Trends
The ARI-100™ of ANATROLLER™ is a specialized robot dedicated to duct cleaning and inspection. It includes our articulated arm that can move in all directions allowing it to clean all corners of the duct without ever having to manually adjust the length of the brush, leaving a quality job behind it every time. It is designed with Robotics Design’s patented ANAT™ modular shape-shifting technology, and is light-weight, durable, resilient, adaptable and easy to control. It is Robotics Design’s most powerful robot for brushing, and with its ability to clean 150 feet/hour our clients have reported a full return of investment within only six months of purchase. The ARI-100™`s unique abilities render it the most efficient robot for HVAC cleaning and inspection on the world market. We also offer customized designs and add-ons for special applications and to better fulfill your individual needs.
Connected by only 1 cable combining air intake and robot control
Anti-tilting robot
Symmetric, robust, modular design
Compact and light-weight robot weighing only 6 Kg
Custom-designed robot
Remotely shape-shifting capability
Climbing obstacles of 5’’ in height
Going on slopes of 45°
Zero radius turn ability
High quality precision machined
Operating in severe industrial environment
Water resistance (optional)
Friendly-user control unit
Carrying and towing payloads capability
Manipulator arm (optional)
Easy maintenance