#Product Trends
Classifying coffee grounds in different fractions
The Russell Compact Sieve delivers high-capacity removal of oversize coffee grounds during the processing of dehydrated and granulated coffee
Today, coffee producers experience tremendous pressure to produce leading quality products to delivery to consumers. Behind crude oil, coffee is considered the second most worldwide traded commodity. Final products such as powders and granules are regularly screened to remove oversize contamination to safeguard the quality and consistency of food and beverage products. Ultimately, oversized contaminants must be removed before packaging to achieve a constant granule size. Following the dehydration and granulation of spray- or freeze-dried instant coffee granules, industrial screening equipment is used to ensure the consistency of the coffee granules by removing oversize coffee grounds. The guarantees removal of all oversized materials while only the desire granules by-pass through mesh, and are collected for packaging. Russell Finex offers a wide range of these vibrating screening machines fitting precisely into existing production lines with limited excess headroom. Contact Russell Finex today to discuss your unique specific grading requirements.