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#Industry News


SAFYBOX URIARTE: Leader in Resistance and Competitiveness in Flammability Testing.

In the competitive world of industrial solutions, safety and quality are essential aspects that define the reliability of a product. At SAFEBOX URIARTE, we understand the importance of offering products that not only meet expectations, but exceed them. We are proud to announce that our products have proven to be the most resistant and competitive in flammability testing, reaffirming our commitment to excellence and safety.

High Quality Raw Material.

Our dedication to quality starts with the selection of raw materials. We use fiberglass reinforced polyester, a material that has demonstrated superior strength in extreme conditions. This material not only offers exceptional durability, but also provides unsurpassed protection against fire spread.

Results of Flammability Test 2024.

The results of the 2024 flammability test have been overwhelming. In these tests, the flame propagation rate in materials used in the manufacture of industrial products is measured. We are pleased to report that SAFYBOX URIARTE products have obtained a propagation speed of 0 mm/s, which means that the flame does not propagate and self-extinguish. This result is a testament to the superiority of our raw material and our ability to provide safe and reliable solutions.

Comparison with National Competitors.

The comparison made with other domestic manufacturers further strengthens our position as market leaders. While our competitors’ products showed propagation rates ranging from 11.4 mm/s to 18.2 mm/s, our products stood firm with zero flame propagation. These results not only underscore our competitive advantage, but also reflect our unwavering commitment to safety.

Importance of Fire Resistance.

Fire resistance is a critical factor in the selection of materials for industrial applications. The spread of the flame can have devastating consequences, not only in terms of material damage, but also in the safety of people. At SAFYBOX URIARTE, we have made safety our top priority. The results obtained in the flammability tests demonstrate that our products not only meet the safety standards, but far exceed them.

Benefits for Our Customers.

Our customers can rest assured that they are purchasing products that offer maximum fire protection. The use of our raw material not only ensures superior strength, but also provides unparalleled peace of mind. In applications where safety is paramount, such as in the railway industry, photovoltaic installations and renewable energy applications, our products offer a reliable and safe solution.


The results obtained in the 2024 flammability tests are not only a significant achievement, but also a reaffirmation of our commitment to safety and quality. At SAFEBOX URIARTE, we pride ourselves on offering products that not only meet the highest industry standards, but also exceed expectations in terms of durability and competitiveness. Our dedication to innovation and continuous improvement ensures that we remain the preferred choice for safe and reliable industrial solutions.

We invite all our customers and potential partners to learn more about our products and discover how we can help you take your projects to the next level with the safety and reliability that only SAFEBOX URIRITE can offer.


  • Garaioltza Auzoa, 162, 48196 Lezama, Vizcaya, Spain