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#Industry News

Salt spray test to check corrosion resistance

Salt spray (fog) cabinets – SASSC

Have you ever seen a salt spray test to check corrosion resistance?

Obviously we need a specific instrument to carry out this test: we are talking about the salt spray cabinet, branded SAMA Tools.

S.A.M.A. Italia S.r.l is pleased to show you all the technical features of this interesting product.

During this salt spray test the corrosion resistance of coated samples is monitored.

Inside the salt spray cabinet a saline environment is redesigned and we are able to study the sample reactions in this particular conditions.

It could seem a difficult and long process, but it's easier done than said!

Are you courious? See the following link and read more about this test, watch our video and ask for further information!


  • 55049 Viareggio, Province of Lucca, Italy
  • S.A.M.A. Italia S.r.l.