#Product Trends
One of the solutions for the collection that is getting great results by Sartori Ambiente Environmental Solutions is called DELTA.
DELTA is the result of a project that has created a series of containers with a particular triangular shape, adaptable to many situations where is requested a separate collection in corporate offices, schools, hospitals and generally in indoor public spaces.
The containers whit triangular base are developed on four different heights (from 40 cm to 70 cm) to meet various needs of volume or positioning. The particular shape allows to place them against walls or vertical surfaces reducing the encumbrance even in areas of passage, you can also arrange the containers to form an ecological rounded island.
DELTA is characterized by a modular body for both versions in aluminum or cardboard, an upper ring made of post-consumer recycled plastic from certificated "Plastic Second Life" by the Italian Institute of Plastics.
Rings can be customized in a variety of colors and prints bearing company logos, type of waste or slogan to encourage recycling.
The red version with special cover glass holder, with three inner tubes, it is very functional near vending machines for drinks and coffee, storing in a small space of up to 270 used cups and stirrers.
The aluminum version as well as allowing a captivating composition, is also used in organizations such as hospitals, production departments; where is required a high resistance of the container and frequent cleaning. Each container comes with cistomized bags made of LDPE also recycled, helping to make the DELTA system a solution for recycling higly environmentally conscious, functional to the needs of the collection and with an excellent price/quality rate.