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#White Papers

White Paper Electromobility

Is high power charging the future of charging?

The white paper gives a broad overview of the future of high power charging and highlights the following topics, among others:

- Charging with alternating vs. direct current

- Requirement for high power charging: CCS compatibility

- Significant growth of HPC charging stations

- High power charging challenges the network capacity

- Buffer storage meets high power charging

- Megawatt charging for commercial vehicles

- Opting for battery exchange over high power charging

- The ultimate achievement – bidirectional charging

These are your key takeaways

- In this white paper you will learn, among other things,

- what is the definition of High Power Charging (HPC).

- how safe fast charging with direct current works.

- how a contactor ensures the necessary safety.

- why buffer storage is relevant for High Power Charging.

- why bi-directional charging can become a significant trend.

- and much more.


  • Hollerithstraße 5, 81829 München, Germany
  • Schaltbau GmbH

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