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#Industry News

Use of ultrasound for the reliability of electricity

Unreliable electrical systems not only cost millions in downtime and repairs, they also have the potential to maim and kill.

Where is partial discharge (PD) located?

Reliability managers must remain focused on safeguarding physical and human assets. Employees have the right to arrive in a safe working environment and to return home unharmed. Ultrasonic technology helps detect fault conditions, such as partial discharges, which can lead to dangerous early stage service interruptions. It should be part of every strategic electrical asset management plan.

How does ultrasound help detect PD?

Ultrasound can detect many defects, including electrical ones such as partial discharges, which produce turbulence with peaks in the 40 kHz frequency range. Directional thanks to the characteristics of high frequency and low energy, it allows to locate the source quickly and at a safe distance. Inspections can also be performed in noisy plants during production. Thanks to advances in instrumentation, the ability to capture dynamic signals allows for deeper analysis of the problem. This allows inspectors to identify the type of problem, whether Corona Effect, Tracking or Arc.

Advanced ultrasound detectors allow inspectors to record sound, measure amplitude, analyze the signal for diagnosis, and compare the amplitudes of multiple defects using reliable and repeatable data.

Electrical panels and switchboards

In electrical switchboards, in the presence of a defect, the inside of the switchboard is flooded with ultrasound. Ultrasound, having a short wavelength, can pass through the smallest air passages, making it easier to identify panels that need more attention.


Un programma di monitoraggio costante del sistema elettrico è il modo migliore per garantire che la salute dei beni e del personale sia in buone mani. Gli ultrasuoni si sono dimostrati più che efficaci nell’esecuzione di tali programmi di manutenzione predittiva, consentendo ai tecnici di rilevare gli effetti di questi guasti elettrici nella loro fase precoce, e quindi di limitarne le conseguenze.


  • Boulevard de l'Humanité, 1070 Vorst, Belgium
  • SDT Ultrasound Solutions