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#Industry News

Servomex recently delivered reliable oxygen analysis to green hydrogen technology group, CPH2

Servomex - Oxygen analysis in green hydrogen

Servomex has delivered reliable oxygen analysis to a green hydrogen technology group.

CPH2, based in the UK, has developed a unique technology that uses cryogenic separation to deliver pure hydrogen and pure oxygen. It requires a robust, proven and highly accurate analyzer to detect the impurity of oxygen in its membrane-free electrolyser within a state-of-the-art hydrogen production plant in Ireland.

The SERVOTOUGH OxyExact 2200 is a versatile oxygen analyzer which offers an unrivalled combination of precision, flexibility and performance for optimum process and safety control, making it the ideal choice to support the CPH2 technology.

Keith Warren, Head of IP&E Applications & Development, said: “Process monitoring applications demand incredibly high performance from an analyzer. The OxyExact 2200 is a high-specification analyzer, and a proven solution for measuring oxygen in hydrogen. It offers operational flexibility, and exceptional safety, and can lead to reduced costs while using Paramagnetic sensing technologies to deliver highly stable and accurate O2 measurements through a safety-enhanced design.”

The SERVOTOUGH OxyExact 2200 is now also available with preconfigured standard variants.

To find out more and read the case study follow the link on our news page


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