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#Industry News

Residual current monitors (RCMs) or modular residual current devices (MRCDs)?

Whether RCMs or MRCDs are more reliable in various situations? Gain better residual current protection in the power distribution system!

Understand whether RCMs or MRCDs are more reliable in various situations and gain better residual current protection in the power distribution system.

Residual current monitors (RCMs) and modular residual current devices (MRCDs) are both low-voltage electrical products that are designed to detect and respond to electrical faults but do not directly break the faulty circuits. In this piece of article, our guest blog writer introduces the following four key points that are important to know, when RCMs or MRCDs have to be used together with circuit breakers for the purpose of residual current protection.


  • Shanghai, China
  • Shanghai Bituo Electric Co., Ltd.