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#Industry News

SSA Series Centrifugal Sand Pump

Oilwell Equipment Frac truck Centrifugal Sand Pump

SSA series centrifugal sand pump includes virtually all of the features of the SM series pumps. SSA series

pumps are more compact in design and can be adapted for hydraulic motor drive. These features make. SSA

series pump ideal for use in applications such as oilfield frac truck s as well as blending and pump charging

for water well drilling applications. All parts for the se pumps are identical to the SM se ries pump except

for the frame and shaft. The frame and shaft have been shortened 4" to reduce the length of the pump. When

the space is small, the SSA series pump is a good choice.


  • Huai An Xi Lu, Qiao Xi Qu, Shi Jia Zhuang Shi, He Bei Sheng, China
  • Shijiazhuang Sunbo Pump Co., Ltd