#Product Trends
Digital displays for Profibus and Profinet
Extensive range of types from Siebert®
The digital displays presented by Siebert® can be controlled via Profibus or Profinet. Both alphanumeric devices for displaying texts and graphics as well as numeric devices for purely numerical representation are offered. The range of models extends from compact devices in built-in housings to widely visible large displays and display boards for process-oriented visualization. Brilliantly illuminated LEDs with a wide reading angle ensure an excellent typeface and with character heights of up to 700 mm, even very large reading distances can be bridged.
Designed for use in harsh environments, the large displays feature rugged sheet steel enclosures with professional industrial design. For applications with special requirements on the surface quality of the devices, e. g. in the food or chemical industry, the large displays are offered in stainless steel housings. For use in potentially explosive atmospheres, they can be equipped with an overpressure enclosure according to Ex II 2G px IIC t4.