#Product Trends
NEW: smoke detector by Siemens Building Technologies (BT HQ CC OC)
Uniform response to various types of fires. Dynamic analysis of the sensor signal in the detector itself. Built-in diagnostic algorithms with automatic self-test. High immunity to false alarms and ambient influences. High-quality opto-electronic sensor system. Automatic compensation of soiling. Each radio smoke detector has its own address and can transmit 4 danger levels.
The radio smoke detector is supplied by two 9 V lithium batteries and can be mounted at any position within radio range. In normal operating condition they have a service life of more than 5 years.
The radio smoke detector can be inserted and removed and actuated using the DZ1191, DZ1193 detector exchanger.
The radio smoke detector complete consists of the radio smoke detector DOW1171, the base DBW1171 and 2 batteries (A5Q00004142).