#Industry News
New gateway for the implementation of high-availability Profinet infrastructures
Optimized integration of Profibus
Siemens is expanding its portfolio for industrial communication networks. With the IE/PB Link HA gateway, which is optimized for use in the process industry, highly redundant infrastructures can be implemented based on the open Profinet Industrial Ethernet standard. This ensures uninterrupted system operation, not least because changes can be made to the configuration during ongoing operation. In addition, the gateway is suitable for use in harsh ambient conditions and temperatures from -40 to +70 degrees Celsius.
The IE/PB Link HA enables the connection of Profibus (standard for fieldbus communication) field devices to a redundant controller (AS) like the CPU 410-5H (Central Processing Unit). The CPU as Profinet IO controller Finaltreats the connected Profibus DP (Decentralized Peripheral) slaves as field devices with Profinet interface. The IE/PB Link HA is therefore their proxy. Through the use of the IE/PB Link HA as a Profinet S2 device including Configuration in Run (H-CiR), Profibus DP slaves can be connected to a Simatic S7-400H controller – both via an MRP ring and via redundant Profinet infrastructures (R1).
In order to connect the IE/PB Link HA to the Profinet network with linear or ring structures, a real-time switch with two RJ45 ports with support of the redundancy protocol (MRP client) is already integrated. For operation on a redundant AS (CPU 410-5H) with Profinet R1 redundancy, the IE/PB Link HA is operated behind a Y-switch (Scalance XF204-2BA DNA). The use of the optional bus adapter instead of the integrated interface ports provides a high degree of flexibility when selecting the Profinet bus physics (copper cables, fiber optics or VD (variable distance) technology).
Thanks to the supported Configuration in Run (H-CiR) function, changes can be made to the configuration of Profibus devices even during operation. Via S7 routing and data set routing, engineering from a central location as well as the parameterization and diagnostics of field devices via Simatic PDM (Process Device Manager) is also supported, for example for remote maintenance. In addition, Conformal Coating (a thin polymer film that adapts to the contours of a printed circuit board in order to protect the components on the printed circuit board) means that the IE/PB Link HA meets Namur NE21 recommendations and is optimized for reliable operation even under harsh ambient conditions from -40 to +70 degrees Celsius.
With the IE/PB Link HA, existing Profibus segments in systems that are equipped with the Simatic PCS 7 process control system can be connected to redundant networks. This means that modern Profinet networks can be implemented in stages in process technology systems.