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#Product Trends

Application #15: Remote control

The computer is now a device so common that even people whose profession is unrelated to technology find it indispensable in everyday life.

Similarly, control systems are installed not only in industrial establishments, where the personnel in charge of maintenance can monitor the process, but also in places where trained engineers are hard to find. In such situations, the investor requires a fault-free system and efficient, quick operation if the parameters have to be modified, and the personnel installing the system require a reduction of the number of inconvenient trips to the customers. Valuable time can be saved thanks to the remote access to the controller. In the case of the MultiCon controller, it is sufficient to equip it with a suitable communication port and provide a permanent connection to the local network, after which, using the remote panel, the configuration can be modified from any place with Internet access.


  • Gdańsk, Poland
  • SIMEX Sp. z o.o.