#Industry News
Easy Mold: modular solutions far 20-30 laser engraving and texturing
A Sisma Software solution available on a wide range of Sisma marking and engraving laser system
Find out how SISMA made it easier for people to create laser engravings and textures on punches, electrodes and other applications that require 20-30, texture laser processes.
2D engraving on 2D surface
Two-dimensional engraving on a flat surface.
Process file: SVG.
The depth is managed from Parameter by the user.
2D engraving on 3D surface
Two-dimensional engraving on a non-planar surface.
Process file: SVG on OBJ.
The depth is managed from Parameters by the user.
Needs the Dynamic Focus Shifter.
3D engraving on 2D surface
Three-dimensional engraving on a flat surface.
Process file: STL.
The depth information is given by the stl file.
3D engraving on 3D surface
Three-dimensional engraving on a non-planar surface.
Process file: STL.
The depth information is given by the stl file.
The engraving process takes into consideration the amount of material removed for each laser pass. Once the material is characterized, the system automatically defines the Z-steps necessary to obtain a perfect engraving in terms of dimensions and finishing. In the case of 3D files (.STL) the depth information is already available in the graphic.
The Texture mode is a variant that produces the slicing from a grayscale file; with SLC3 it is possible to draw a working area and fill it using png, bmp, jpg and tiff files. The colour white (brightness = 240) means no laser working, whereas the colour black (brightness = O) will be assigned to the set depth. This is an easy way to engrave companies logo or to apply a pattern on a surface. Moreover, it is strongly recommended for aesthetic processes.
SISMA CVS [Coaxial Vision System]: the easiest and most precise way to center your piece.
With the new Guide lines feature, centering becomes simple and fast: after positioning the relevant lines at the edges of the object is possible to obtain, with one click the median position. The snap on the grid allows to place the file at the preferred control points.
The system is characterized by:
simplified verification and realignment function (with possible correction] between camera and laser (<1 mini; high accuracy (0.02 mm);
simplified procedures for camera calibration and automatic focal mapping (under patent protection).
CVS advantages:
High precision and repetitive centering process;
Possibility to avo id jigs or fixtures;
Possibility to re-work on the same piece to reach required depth or finishing;
Live view of the pieces with possibility for manual or automatic (pattern matching) file positioning.
EASY MOLD is available on:
EASY series - SMARK - LWS series - MODO series