#Product Trends
Grease collection cartridge RGCC
To remove waste grease from a bearing
The re-usable grease collecting cartridge gives maintenance staff an easy way to remove waste grease from a bearing. It is installed by screwing it into an adapter that fits directly onto the bearing. One distinct advantage is that the cartridge fills to its full capacity. Incoming grease moves a follower piston. This piston stops when the flow of waste grease stops – and when the cartridge is full. This avoids overfilling and grease leakage. The cartridge is then removed, and the grease ejected by pressing the piston. Removing the cartridge – and remounting it for re-use – are also simple.
Features and benefits
Using the complete cartridge volume helps to prolong service intervals
Cartridge is easy to empty using simple tools – such as a screwdriver – which helps to cut maintenance time
Grease can be emptied from cartridge and disposed of – allowing the cartridge to be re-used many times
System helps companies meet environmental targets, as grease and cartridge are not disposed of together
Large bearing applications in wind energy
Ship engines
Rolling mills