#Industry News
Distance is not a problem
Distance communication becomes an even more important factor
In this period, characterized by restrictions on freedom of movement of people, related to the need to contain the spread of Covid-19 virus, distance communication becomes an even more important factor to maintain relationships with our customers.
SMI, that is compliant with the new regulations issued by the Italian government, is continuing to work in order to ensure a constant technical and sales support, since it carries out an essential activity for the good functioning of the food supply chain.
We miss interpersonal relationships with our partners, but geographical distance can be easily overcome with a series of communication tools based on telephone, email, videoconferencing and augmented reality.
In each company this period can be effectively used to plan activities and initiatives for preparing in the best possible way the return to the full operation, when new market needs and dynamics will impose great changes.
Today we would like to share with you a video about one of the many packaging solutions that SMI can offer to its current and future customers. We are referring to an interesting application for the secondary packaging with a DV 500 S divider for channelling 200 ml juice briks on more rows, towards an LSK 40 T ERGON shrink wrapper for the packaging in high tray + film, in 8x3 format.
-Modular design: LSK packers are designed according to advanced principles of module assembly and interchangeability of components, that minimize the machine downtime during interventions and optimize the use of spare parts on stock;
-Operational flexibility: packaging of a wide range of products in several pack collations, in order to efficiently meet the changing requirements of the final user;
-Motors connected to the drive shaft, with the advantage of reducing maintenance, energy consumption and noise level;
-Easy and economic maintenance;
-Constant film tensioning: film reels placed in the lower part of the machine with film unwinding controlled by progressive brake and constant tensioning ensured by a system equipped with tensioning spring;
-Precise and automatic film cut: the film cutting unite is equipped with direct drive motorization that allows to easily carry out the motor maintenance and reduce maintenance operations;
-User-friendly man-machine interface: the POSYC® control panel enables an easy and efficient use of the packer, thanks to an extremely intuitive graphical interface, a touchscreen display, advanced diagnostic functions and technical support in real time.
For any further information we invite you to contact our sales department.
Marketing Department
SMI S.p.A.
E-mail: info@smigroup.it