#Product Trends
UV accelerated aging test chamber
UV accelerated aging test chamber
Sonacme provides UV aging test chamber required for UV accelerated aging test. Uv exposure can be through direct exposure (i.e. outdoor exposure) or through glass exposure (i.e. indoor exposure). There are many test methods and two main practices for accelerated UV testing. Among them, Sonacme provides UV aging test chambers for the following test methods and practices and many other methods:
UV test standard:
ASTM G154 Standard operating practice for operating fluorescent ultraviolet (UV) lamp instruments for exposure of non-metallic materials
ASTM G155 Standard Operating Procedure for xenon arc lamp instruments for exposure to non-metallic materials
ASTM D7869 Standard Operating Procedure for Enhanced light and water xenon arc exposure tests for Transporting coatings
ASTM D2565 Standard Operating Procedure for xenon arc Exposure of plastics for outdoor applications
ASTM D5208 Standard Operating Procedure for xenon arc Exposure of plastics for outdoor applications
ASTM D5894 Standard Practice for painted metal cycle salt spray/UV exposure (Alternating exposure in salt spray/drying chambers and UV/condensing chambers
ASTM D6695 Standard Practice for xenon arc exposure of paints and related coatings
ISO 4892-2 Standard Practice for xenon arc exposure of paints and related coatings
ISO 4892-3 Plastics - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - Part 3: Fluorescent ultraviolet lamps
SAE J2412 Accelerated exposure of automotive interiors using controlled irradiance xenon arc devices
SAE J2527 Performance standard for accelerated exposure of automotive exterior materials using controlled irradiated xenon arc devices
ASTM D4329 Standard practice for instrument exposure to fluorescent ultraviolet (UV) lamps for plastics
ASTM D4459 Standard operating Procedure for xenon arc Exposure of plastics for indoor applications
For a detailed list of available test methods, see: Test methods requiring UV accelerated Aging and test methods requiring a xenon arc tester.
Applications and considerations for UV testing:
The ultimate goal of UV testing is to "compress time" so that we can know how the product will react as it is exposed to more and more sunlight. To do this, we need to accelerate the simulation of sunlight; This process is called accelerated weathering. As with any other accelerated aging process, our goal is to perform the best simulation at the fastest aging rate possible without causing reactions that would not occur under normal exposure conditions.
At present, two kinds of ultraviolet aging equipment are commonly used: xenon arc lamp and fluorescent lamp: xenon lamp aging test chamber and UV ultraviolet light aging test chamber. Each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages, and each technique can be used in a variety of test conditions, which can greatly change the test results. The xenon arc test is primarily used to assess the change in color/appearance of indoor/outdoor UV light over a period of time, either directly or through glass (indoor conditions).
ASTM G-155
Fluorescent lamp accelerated aging test (UV aging test chamber) is mainly used to evaluate the mechanical properties after exposure. This technique is used for comparison/authentication purposes. However, the scientific literature clearly shows that this technique, despite its versatility, has poor time prediction capabilities. For more information on this test method, please refer to ASTM G-154.
Sonacme also offers ultraviolet (UVC) exposure -UVC UV aging test chamber for surfaces used in medical environments. UVC exposure is commonly used for hygienic treatment in medical Settings. In addition to UV aging tests, you can also learn about our range of accelerated aging test chambers for coatings, paints and polymers. Please feel free to contact us. The experts of Sonacme will assist you to obtain the best UV, Xenon accelerated aging test solution.