#Product Trends
LMK mobile air
Use our new LMK mobile control iOS-App for an inproved and comfortable control of the new LMK mobile air.
The functional diversity of a digital mirror reflecting camera often overstrains the user. Using our App all valid settings are predefined and can be adjusted very quick and easy.
Thus incorrect and faulty measuring results are almost impossible!
Application of glare evaluation
The LMK mobile air allows easy measuring and verification of existing standards and real lighting applications concepts with regards to full illumination, glare, ergonomics and hazards.
• Glare assessment based on the TI - method for artificial road lighting (EN13201)
• Performing the L20° measures for artificial lighting at tunnel entrances (CIE Publ. 88)
• Determining glare values for artificial outdoor lighting like at sports facilitiesor lighted outdoor advertisement. For example the maximum tolerable luminance (LAI) or equivalent veiling luminance.
• Glare assessment of artificial indoor lighting (UGR, DGP, GR)
Measuring Roads and Tunnels
The LMK mobile air allows a smart and quick evaluation and verification of luminance values relevant to security of public traffic ways by using intelligent software tools
• Assessment of the luminance values (i.e. according to EN13201) on road and tunnels
• Checking the visibility of transport users, road signs and markers among various weather conditions
• Reviewing the luminance level and the illumination of other public traffic ways