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#Industry News

Personal Support @ Thyracont

Consulting, Maintenance and Repair Services

Our personal support: At Thyracont, we take pride in producing all our measuring and control instruments in-house. This allows us to provide straightforward and reliable responses to any questions regarding offers, delivery times, or technical queries.

We offer a wide range of services to ensure you get the most out of our products:

- Consulting services: Our team is here to advise you on the best vacuum sensors for your application and to recommend suitable protective accessories.

- Maintenance services: Regular maintenance of your gauges is crucial. We provide preventive maintenance services to keep your devices in optimal condition.

- Repair services: If a device shows malfunction, we not only offer a professional repair service but also provide exchange products for a quick replacement.


  • Max-Emanuel-Straße 10, 94036 Passau, Germany
  • Thyracont Vacuum Instruments GmbH
