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#Product Trends

Bluetooth temperature and humidity data loggers make it easy for cold chain management

Cold chain management has become more and more important in international supply chain management strategies.

The key objectives of cold chain management are to ensure the food quality and safety of perishable food products. Tzone Digital Technology provides expertise in cold chain monitoring systems and products. Cold chain monitoring handles a wide range of products which require strict controls on the humidity and temperatures, such as vegetables, dairy products, vaccines, medicines, etc. Since the quality of such products is vastly affected by temperature change, it becomes important to properly record the temperature and humidity of various modes it passes through to reach the customers.

Tzone supplies various monitoring solutions for cold chain monitoring. One of its most popular products is the Bluetooth temperature and humidity data logger TZ-BT04B. Equipped with a Panasonic CR2450 battery, the device lasts for up to 1.5 years. PDF and CSV reports are available from mobile device. Free Android and iOS Apps provided. It's ideal for delivery routes, intercompany transfers, couriers and home delivery services, and can also be configured for facility monitoring.


  • Cai Tian Lu, Futian Qu, Shenzhen Shi, Guangdong Sheng, China
  • Tzone Digital Technology Co., Ltd.