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#Product Trends

NEW: LED display weight indicator by UTILCELL

Weighing Indicator general purpose manufactured according with modern electronic technology.

OIML R76 & EN 45501 Approved, single or multi range, 6000 div at 0,6 µV/div.

Friendly configuration and calibration menu.

High resolution: 24 bits A/D, 16 million internal division; 100.000 external division. 50 reading/sec.

Display 7 digit 20mm LED high bright.

RS-232 port for PC, printer or remote display connection.

Excitation: at 6 V DC, for up to 4 load cells 350 Ohms or 8 load cells 700 Ohms.

High electromagnetic interference protection.

ABS enclosure with mounting kit.

External connectors for load cells input and RS-232 port.

Power Supply at 230 ±10% V AC 50/60 Hz 6W.

Multi range: for a dual range and dual division size.

Standard Ticket or customized from PC.

Linearity Correction.

Pre-calibration mV: Allows to start-up the scale by entering used load cell capacity and nominal sensitivity in mV/V.

Two calibration Sealing method: Software sealing by a calibration counter register or mechanical sealing. Use depends on local country regulation.


