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#Product Trends

Capanivo® CN 7000 Capacitance level switch for LIQUIDS in honey

The video explains the use in honey prone to heavy build up

The CN7 is the pocket-size one. Compact and flexible the level limit in both metallic and non-metallic containers can be determined. The electrodes in the sensor form a capacitor. If the product comes into contact with the sensor, the capacitance changes and the electronics converts it into a switching signal.

Smart versions for different media work with the integrated "Tip Sensitivity" technology, which guarantees a high level of functional reliability even for products that tend to buildup or caking.

DK value honey = 24

Sensor switches once in contact with the honey.

Sensor switches back even so covered with honey.

The capacitive level switch Capanivo® CN 7000 switches correctly in the honey, build up on probe is ignored.

Collage capacitive for liquids


  • 87488 Betzigau, Germany
  • Simone Hadraschek