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VEZOS - Dual Colour Airless Line Stripers

VEZOS Dual Colour Airless Line Stripers

A clean and sharp dual colour marking application is crucial for the safe operation of aircraft. The markings are used by pilots to determine the runway orientation, how much distance is left, and to make other critical judgments during takeoffs and landings. VEZOS offers a complete range of walk-behind, self-propelled, truck-mounted and marking trucks specifically for DC marking applications.

PROSTRIPE 300 SP DC is a dual colour self-propelled airless line striper with two slow stroke HYDREX piston paint pumps ideal for city road, intersection and parking lot dual colour line striping.

PROSTRIPE 300 SP DC is a double color self-propelled line striper with two slow stroke HYDREX piston paint pumps ideal for city road, intersection and parking lot dual color line striping. The unit includes a double paint tank for both colors and also a vibrate-assisted gravity glass bead hopper.

PROSTRIPE 400 SP DC AUTO fulfills every marking contractors needs in one unit, from a selective front wheel drive system, wide road view, self-propelled drive and fully automatic operation to assist all striping applications. Adapt the FLIPDRIVE striping seat and benefit from its double ascent ride method. Proven best panoramic job site view in the market, even with the bead tank in place!

RM 2.5 line striping kit has become the newest trend in the marking industry. This line marking unit designed to fit in every truck/van and includes a hydraulic system, paint pumps, HONDA engine & air compressor, retractable arm bracket, foldable chassis, automatic spray guns, pressurized bead tank, marking controller & HD camera kit. The bracket can be placed on either side of the vehicle, simply by sliding it left or right on the rear beam.

RM 5.0 is the ideal complex for contractors that in average take on highway marking applications. Equipped with a double HYDREX 230 pump, fully automatic spray & monitor system, contractors can control the entire striping procedure from the trucks cabin. The entire system is fully retractable and fits securely on the deck of your truck. VEZOS also offers custom built options, such as double arm brackets etc. The entire system is fully retractable and fits securely on the deck of your truck.

VEZOS RM 10.0 is the ideal complex for contractors that in average take on highway, airport, runway and taxiway marking applications. Equipped with a double HYDREX 230 pump, fully automatic spray & monitor system, contractors can control the entire striping procedure from the trucks cabin. The entire system is fully retractable and fits securely on the deck of your truck. VEZOS also offers custom built options, such as double arm brackets etc.


  • Kent, UK