#Trade Shows & Events
Vinco Will be attending as Exhibitor at MECSPE, hall 26 – stand A87.
Do not miss the opportunity to visit us from 29th to 31th March 2023 on the twenty-first edition of MECSPE, the reference trade fair for the manufacturing industry, that for years has been registering a steady growth.
4 important reasons for visiting Mecspe:
Discover all the news from the manufacturing sector.
To create new contacts and consolidate those already acquired.
To have a preview of the manufactory sector news.
To keep your self up-to- date thanks to the several formative moments proposed.
Visiting MECSPE means getting in touch with the industry leaders who present their new products: 2,000 companies have already participated as exhibitors at the previous edition, including guest delegations of foreign buyers.
13 exhibiting sectors in a single event
MECSPE presents to visitors a complete overview of production and industrial supply chain thanks to 13 thematic shows, excellence squares and districts that permits a better orientation.
This synergy let every visitor discover all the news of the market thanks to a 360° overview of materials, innovative products and technologies for every sector of the manufacturing industry.
Date: Mecspe, the exhibition of innovations for the manufacturing industry, takes place from 29th to 31th of March 2023 at BolognaFiere – Viale della Fiera, 20, 40128 Bologna BO.
Hours: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Join us at hall 26, stand A87