#Industry News
Biofilm: arch-enemy of QA managers
A hidden threat called biofilm
In the world of chemicals, food processing and the food and beverage industry, there is a threat that is still sometimes underestimated. This threat, called biofilm, carries potentially major consequences. Biofilm formation in water systems can lead to faster spoilage or contamination with pathogens, possibly resulting in recalls.
What is biofilm?
Biofilm is a slimy layer of cooperating micro-organisms. These pose a threat to human and animal health. Almost anywhere where it is wet for a long time, where water is stored or flows through, biofilm can form. This layer easily adheres to the walls of pipes and is difficult to control, as it colonizes through the pipes and grows back quickly.
Biofilm in industry: what is the danger?
Waste is a threat to every producer. A bulging package, unpleasant smells, a crazy taste or mould. These are consequences where QA managers are losing sleep on. And besides, it doesn't make the end user happy either. It is therefore important that process water is of good quality. Low quality can lead to problems in product quality and shelf life.
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