#Industry News
Clean water guarantees our quality
High-quality products for many Dutch and European students
"At Collall we make glue and paint products. Most of these are water-based and many of these products go to elementary schools in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe." says director Patrick van Rhijn. "In our production the quality control is therefore extremely important: teachers and parents must be able to trust that children can use our products safely. Another large part of our sales goes to hobby stores and they also expect the high quality that they are used to from us."
Controlling the quality of raw materials was necessary
To guarantee this high quality, the Watter system has been used at the production site since 2013 to disinfect the process water. "Our raw materials are sensitive to bacteria and fungi. This is why in the past it sometimes happened that packages were bulging and products started to smell strange. That is obviously very annoying for the customer and for us.
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