#Product Trends
WECON PLC Extend module LX3V-4PT
The LX3V-PT analog block amplifies the input from four platinum temperature sensors (PT 100, 3 wire, 100 Ω) and converts the data into 12 bit reading''s stored in the main Processing Unit (MPU). BothCentigrade (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F) can be read. Reading resolution is 0.2°C to 0.3°C / 0.36°F to 0.54°F.
2. External
Weight: Approx 0.3kg (0.661bs)
Shape: 90mm*60mm*80mm
3. Power supply specification
Analog circuits: ±24V DC±10%,55mA
Digital circuits: 5V DC,90mA(internal power supply from base unit)
4. Terminal Layouts
① The cable of the PT100 sensor or twisted shielded cable should be used for the analog input cable. This analog input cable should be wired separately from power lines or any other lines which may induce noise. The three wire method improves the accuracy of the sensors by compensating voltafe drops.
② If there is electrical noise, connect the frame ground terminal (FG) with the ground terminal.
③ Connect the ground terminal on the LX3V-4PT unit with the grounded terminal on the base unit. Use class 3 grounding on the base unit, if grounding is possible.
④ Either an external or the 24V built-in supply in the programmable controller may be used..
5. EMC Considerations
Electromagnetic compatibility or EMC must be considered before using the LX3V-4PT.
WECON recommend that the PT100 sensors used, should be fitted with a form of seild or screening as protection against EMC noise.
EMC considerations should include selection of good quality cables, good routing of those cables away from potential noise sources.
Additionally it is recommended that signal averaging is used as this will reduce the effects of random noise “spikes”.