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#Industry News

Separation Device for Pre-Scored PCB Panels

Panel Separation Made Easy!

Separation Device for Pre-Scored PCB Panels Using the Patented Frost Method

Frost's separation devices provide the capability to efficiently separate populated PCB panels. The panel is inserted from the front into its scoring between two wedge-shaped separation tools, which are spaced closer together than the panel thickness. By foot activation, the upper separation tool moves downward and separates through wedge action, without the tools touching each other.

The components and conductor paths are not damaged, as the separation forces only act within the scoring, and the separation process occurs evenly and parallel along the entire length. This gentle separation process is particularly necessary for SMT boards. Since the scoring is used as a guide, universal operation without stop adjustment is possible.

Using a coding switch or adjustment screw, the tool opening can be adjusted according to the panel thickness. The panels can be populated on one or both sides, with separation lengths ranging from 200 to 350 mm available. The drive can be electromechanical, pneumatic, or manual, and the separation tools are made of hardened special tool steel.


  • Riegelweg 11, 93164 Laaber, Germany
  • Werkzeugbau Engl GmbH