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#Product Trends

Measurement "At a Glance" Werth QuickInspect MT with Custom Measurement Range

Capturing an entire workpiece in one image ensures

easy operation and short measurement times. For

smaller workpieces, the measuring machine acts like a

classical profile projector and uses the field of view of

the optics as the measurement range. This principle

has been implemented for various measurement

ranges in the classical QuickInspect machines (on the

left). For larger measurement ranges, the resolution

and thus the precision of measurement is limited by

the number and size of pixels. For greater requirements of the measurement range,

resolution, and measurement uncertainty, the same

ease of operation is implemented with the new

QuickInspect MT (on the right) with measurement "in

the image". To do so, the machine raster scans

workpieces in seconds "OnTheFly" at the push of a

button. This produces high-resolution images with

nearly any number of pixels and high precision (patent).

Even especially small or high-precision features

on larger objects (up to 250 mm length as standard)

can be visualized and accurately measured. In automatic

mode, the measured object is detected fully

automatically after raster scanning and the matching

CNC measurement program is started.

To ensure comparability to conventional coordinate

measuring machines, the machines are specified to ISO

10360 and VDI/VDE 2617 and are traceable to the

length standard of the German National Metrology

Institute. Depending on the optics selected, measurement

deviations of fractions of a micron or a few

microns can be achieved. For most QuickInspect models

(0.037x to about 1x), it is no longer necessary to

adjust the focus, due to the telecentric configuration.

For high magnification, setting the focus is simple with

an easy-to-use focus function in the image processing

software. This shows the user the position at which the

workpiece is focused to produce the optimal conditions

for measuring. Temperature compensation is also

integrated for measurements in the manufacturing
